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The largest ever image of the Universe began to be photographed today
Published 14 February, 2024 in Outreach

Conceção artística do telescópio espacial Euclid, e em fundo uma das primeiras imagens obtidas com este telescópio

Following the plan of observations led by researchers of the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA), the Euclid space telescope, 1.5 million kilometres from Earth, started today the assembling... read more ❯
The space telescope that will reveal the invisible Universe is about to be launched
Published 27 June, 2023 in Outreach

Telescópio espacial Euclid e consola de planeamento dos rastreios

After more than ten years of preparation, a team led by the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) will guide the control commands of the Euclid telescope through... read more ❯


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